It’s time to fly south.
This morning a little girl sashayed into Starbucks wearing a long, dressy peacoat, tiny leather boots, and knitted gloves. And unfortunately, although her basic instincts have kicked in before puberty, her attire wasn’t misplaced. The first really chilly autumn mornings are upon us here in Ottawa. Determined to make the most of the season at the castle, we held court several days ago and considered corn roasts, s’mores, apple turnovers and cider. I won’t be in Canada to enjoy them… Summer is over and it’s time for me to go home.
Spending four months in one city made me excited to move on (after all, it’s all about travel, travel, travel) but also sad to leave all the friends I made.
Allow me to introduce you to two of them: Bob and Barry. They’re our castle gate-guards. They know virtually all the castle residents by sight and are worth their weight in gold. Their role in the castle is essential. And I appreciated them because, every weekday morning as I started and ended my work, they provided a quip or admonition. Stopping to chat became a ritual. “Have you done your reports?” Barry would ask each night, eyeing me seriously from behind bushy eyebrows. “Have you put the calls on forwarding?” Yes, yes, I would tell him, everything is finished. He would nod solemnly and say, “Good. Good.” He also caught onto my love of red meat and tendency to go home and eat giant hamburgers. So many nights, I’d simply walk by holding up my hands around a giant, 12-inch, invisible hamburger, and watch the solemn face wrinkle in laughter.
Bob, on the other hand, would recognize the sound of my high-heels on the tile each morning and call “Well, hello!” down the hallway as I came around the corner. “Oh, beautiful day, eh? I spent the weekend in Edmonton putting up a fence with my niece. I’ve never worked so hard in twenty years, eh?” And who could help but start the day smiling at such cheerfulness? Much more than just a guard, Bob spends his down time reading, expanding his already active knowledge of many subjects… making him a rare conversational delight.
I’ll miss these two with their friendliness, support, and listening ears.
Yesterday as I had my last audience with the Queen of the castle (who I would definitely love to be when I grow up), I asked if she had any words of wisdom as I left. “Stay true to yourself!” she replied without hesitation.
As the Queen commands, then, so shall it be done! Au revoir, Ottawa… we may meet again.
-The Dauntless Princess-