The roadsides in this area of Nashville are lined with mansions, endless mansions, mansions so large they satisfy my childhood dreams of the house I want to build someday… the one that covered acres with elegant stonework and had secret rooms and winding staircases. Many of these lovely homes are designed to look old. The Belle Meade plantation is actually very old, the plantation home having been first constructed in 1820. Though not as large as some of its competitors on Harding Pike, Belle Meade is like an antebellum time capsule and far more important.
I took my camera onto the grounds under the stark winter light.

I loved the gardener’s house best, I think. The gardeners were out working on the grounds.

The plantation house is small enough I could get a feel for it without venturing inside. The outside porches were so beautiful I didn’t want to, anyway.

I loved getting to explore Belle Meade plantation… and it’s safer for everyone on the road if I park my car and go in instead of straining to see as I drive by.
~ The Dauntless Princess ~
Lisa Neenan says:
I just visited this plantation a few days ago for the first time ever. I was intrigued by the history of horse racing that drew me in to visit. When I entered the mansion on the tour as we entered the second room I glanced out into the dining room and saw the ghost of a little girl with brown hair who glanced over at me and then vanished. It took me a second to gather my thoughts because initially I thought she was someone dressed up walking around like the workers but quickly realized I had just seen an actual ghost of a girl. It sent shivering ice chills through my bones I could hardly catch my breathe. We then entered that dining room where I looked around. There was a prop of a young girls dress along with a womans dress which freaked me out even more and then the tour guide started talking about a young boy, a son, that died of typhoid fever and I then asked to leave the house and get off the tour! I didnt go upstairs! I want to know if anyone else has seen her! I have no doubts what I saw was her ghost.