Is there anything better than a huge library on a rainy day?
I’ve been here in Des Moines for about twenty days so far, and during that time, there have only been two rainy days. On one of them, I went on an adventure to see the inside of the Iowa State Capitol building. I’d seen it from the outside – spent a long time staring at the ornate exterior’s beauty – but that had been on a Sunday, when everything fun in Des Moines is closed.
The wait was worth it. I could hardly believe what I found under the gold dome of the capitol: curving staircases with dark wood railings, a soaring rotunda, tiled floors. Reporters scurrying and the House in session.
And then there was the library. Pinterest reported a spiral staircase to die for at the state capitol building, and in search of that staircase, I found the law library and fell in love. Take a look at the pictures – can you blame me? I’m putting this library high on the list of the most beautiful libraries in the world.

Pictures and blog posts can never capture that smell that comes with a library full of old books, though, so make sure to visit the library yourself if you’re in Des Moines. Your inner bibliophile will leave appeased.
~ The Dauntless Princess ~