My apartment community is a commercial developer’s dream come true. Exclusive luxury housing right beside a huge mall and several major employers is beneficial for all parties… Residents get an all-inclusive high-end community experience and nearby businesses boom.
They’re mostly big retail chain retail stores, though. Materialist paradise. Which is all well and good for awhile… But after two weeks of it, I was ready for some local art, fresh-roasted specialty coffee, and even an inauthentically crafted authentic grunge atmosphere. I wanted a hipster coffeeshop.
I chose Brew-ha-ha, about fifteen minutes’ drive from me, an adorable local coffeeshop and cafe. Their specialty is cake balls. When you walk into the shop, your visual senses are assaulted by these masterpieces, the brightest thing in the room. Even at eight in the morning, I had to try them.
Coffee is best with journals.
Local artwork is for sale here.
The most charming part of this cafe was the tiny library in a glass display case. More than just a library, it was also a free book exchange: take a book you haven’t read yet, deposit one that you’ve finished.
Brew-ha-ha provided the perfect retreat from the shiny material world of The Grove. Unlike the new construction there, this odd little old building holds its secrets.
Past the sweet cake balls, past the lending library, through a crack in the heavy wooden door, I saw the tiny back office has intricate eastern fabric wallpaper and odd knick-knacks illuminated by beautiful wall lamps. The room’s creative flair made me curious about its designer, and I felt that morning I only scratched the surface of the creative energy in Baton Rouge.
~ The Dauntless Princess ~