This adventure started with my 2015 adventure to South Africa to visit my best friend, Sanet. I flew KLM/Dutch airlines through Amsterdam to Cape Town. While I was there, a terrorist attack in Brussels forced so many flights to redirect that the systems crashed. Departing Cape Town to fly back home, I volunteered to fly stand-by in return for a $300 travel voucher.
Spending that travel voucher was harder than it sounds. Because of the expiration date, I had to make plans quickly. Given the relatively small amount (wouldn’t cover a transatlantic flight, for instance), I wanted to stay domestic, and it was just hard to decide where to go. But finally, in March, at the last minute, staring at a map in an overcaffienated haze, I decided to visit Montreal.
When I worked in Ottawa (Autumn 2015), my co-workers lauded Montreal as a beautiful, culture-rich, fun city full of youth and zest. Their praise of the city had stuck with me and it sounded like the perfect way to spend a week of vacation in Autumn.
Here are just a few pictures for you:

I booked two separate Air BnB locations because I loved them both and couldn’t choose. The first was near Jean-Talon Market, a paradise of pure white decor. You can see their listing with photos here. Husband Jean and wife Viriya were amazing, energetic, and wonderful hosts. They live in the apartment below the Air BnB, which made me feel safer and less alone in a new city. Staying here, I really felt like I was part of a Montreal neighborhood.
The second location was in the heart of Old Montreal on Rue St. Pierre. This Air BnB rental is buried in imposing stone facades only two streets from the city’s most expensive hotels and two blocks from the Notre-Dame Basilica. Two flights of stairs led to the roof!
Montreal is famous for bagels, but I’m not crazy about bagels, so instead I pursued the best of Montreal’s croissants and coffees. I went to an outrageous number of cafes. My prize for Montreal’s Best Croissant definitely goes to Hof Kelsten.
One day, I took a trip to Quebec City. The day was such an adventure! For some reason that must have made sense at some point, I bought my ticket to depart Montreal at 6:00 a.m. I’m a morning person, but after all the sightseeing in the days prior, I was not in the mood to set such an early alarm. Then, when I showed up to the train station, I discovered I’d mistakenly bought bus tickets instead of train tickets. The bus station was an easy Uber ride away, at least! I slept until dawn and then enjoyed watching the sun rise over the cold Canadian landscape.
Once I was in Quebec City, I completely forgot to be tired. The city isn’t too large to explore on foot. I stopped first in what would be my favorite of three coffee shops that day, then saw the Parliament Buildings, and then…
Chateau Frontenac.
This incredible hotel has held a fascination for me since I was a girl. The first time I saw it was in my history book. How did it have so many windows? Where did all the corridors lead? How many floors did it have, and what was the inside like? I finally found the answers to my questions, and more.

It was an amazing trip. Montreal is such a perfect place to celebrate the vivid colors and crisp weather of autumn! I did my best to enjoy every minute of it.
~ The Dauntless Princess ~