Spontaneously, Arkansas

I was looking at my map from the Chamber of Commerce and realized I’m about thirty minutes from the Arkansas-Louisiana state line. 

I’d never thought much about Arkansas (wasn’t Bill Clinton from there?), much less been there. Going to a new state sounded like a brilliant idea. So with not much more thought, that evening I rolled out my gate in my little red Ford Focus and headed north on highway 3.
The flat farmlands quickly turned to forests. Beside the road some lakes lay between the trees, the glowing sunset reflected off the water. Louisiana is stil summer-green but after driving only a few minutes north I saw a change in foliage and the air seemed cooler. The road was empty and it was the perfect evening to be out for a drive.

And soon, there was the state line! Here is the obligatory selfie!

Trying to turn around and go back home proved a challenge, and I ended up taking my Ford Focus off-roading just a little bit! Heading back home, the sunset was perfect. Apologies for the glare off my windshield in this picture, but enjoy this beautiful sky with me.


-The Dauntless Princess-

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