In a larger sense, I use the term “princess” to refer to the romantic ideal the word has acquired over many centuries of use in fairy tales, ballet, opera, and movies. It’s an ideal many little girls hope to live up to: fairy godmothers, twirling skirts, handsome princes and all. However, I believe this ideal can transcend age, despite many of us choosing to leave it behind. It must mature with us as we grow older so that we are not just silly girls in big dresses. For many of my 20-something sisters, the word “princess” stirs up a deeper longing to be a part of a story greater than themselves: beautiful, brave, and indispensable.
We can easily lose our story’s thread in the mundanities of life, and that’s where being dauntless becomes so essential. I believe everyone has value and an essential role to fill, but with that comes the challenge of focusing on it, finding it, and living it everyday. Although physical danger comes along sometimes, the ever-present enemies of the princess ideal are apathy and selfishness. Princesses who believe in living passionately, engaging fully, and seeking beauty must be dauntless in pursuit of their ideals.